Re Stringing Necklace


This beautiful necklace of soft shades of green was purchased several years ago by a friend and a collegue. Unforutnately one of the strands appeared to be cut by a gemstone. I changed out all the stringing wires to a newer product that I have since started using and restrung the necklace. The product used to be called Zambapro and is now called Artbeads Designer Jewelry Wire from

The wire comes in 49 woven strands of stainless steel with a nylon coat. It is a Very Soft Flexible wire and is not easy to kink. I picked the .019 as it easily slipped through the pearls and stones I used, but the .024 diameter wire did not go through some of the items in the necklace. The wire also comes in .014 and .012 diameter wire.

In other necklace and bracelet projects where I am using all pearls I have used the smallest diameter wire in the series .012 diameter and the wire and the project have held up very well! The .012 holds or supports 10 pounds, the .014 diameter holds or supports 14 pounds, the .019 supports 24.9 pounds and the .024 supports 40.9 pounds. The wire is a steel grey in color and does not come in colors. It also comes in two different packaged lengths, 100 feet or 30 feet.

When the wire is on sale or Artbeads has a sale on everything I stock up as it has become my Go To wire of choice these days!


For more information on Chris Kaitlyn and her store go to:





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