Fine Arts & Crafts Show








Fine Arts & Crafts Show at the Tacoma Mountaineers

I have been juried into this fabulous show. It is a fun show with a great variety of work including photography, pottery, wooden boxes, jewelry, pastels, clothing, and drawings.  I have many new earrings, bracelets, and necklaces in my booth. I hope to see you there.

Tacoma Mountaineers, 2302 N 30th St., Tacoma, Washington, near the lovely Ruston Way and a Fabulous view of Commencement Bay!

The Show is juried and has only the highest quality arts and fine crafts.

One central payment check out area for customers.

Dates: Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014 - 10:30am - 5pm

             Sunday,  Nov. 16, 2014 - 10:30am - 4pm



From I-5 take I-705 West. Take Schuster Parkway exit. Schuster parkway becomes N 30th Street. The Show is on the left at 2303 N 30th Street. There is on street parking and a parking lot next to the Tacoma Mountaineers.


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