Spike Earrings



Kaleidoscope Challenge for Earrings Everyday Blog



Kaleidoscope is the theme for this month's Earrings Everyday Blog.  http://earrings-everyday.blogspot.com/ post. My inspiration came from Jon Burgess's colorful spikes and the continuous color around his polymer clay "turned spindle styled spikes". When I was a child and life was simpler I thoroughly enjoyed playing with my Kaleidoscopes. I currently have one that is only 3 inches tall sitting on my desk that was a gift from a friend. It does not have colorful contents inside for you to rotate...but it fractures up whatever you are looking at. There are endless possibilites as you rotate the outer circle and focus on a new object!   

I discovered UK's Jon Burgess's  'spikes' quite by accident one day and fell in love with all of their possibilities. I started 'stalking'  his auctions bidding on a number of his pieces until I had a nice collection to play with for new jewelry designs. In these two colorful examples I added lampwork glass by Dionne Siegrist and Terry Turner and/or ceramic discs by Georgia Neumann plus wooden beads in order to develop the color theme I was working towards.

Jon's spike beads are made with polymer clay using his turned look technique. (They really do look like turned wooden spindles.)  Jon added a beautiful oxidized copper loop to the first pair. Then Jon paints the spindles with alcohol inks and varnished.

Think of all the design possibilities that I can create with using the rest of Jon's spikes to design light weight earrings or necklaces!


Jon's Etsy store is:

  • https://www.etsy.com/uk/shopJBDRusticOrganic

On Instagram he is:

  • Jon Burgess Design

Jon also writes in his Blog approximately every two weeks:

  • https://followingthefascination.blogspot.com

Dionne Siegrist's lampwork glass can be found at:

  • https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/MoltenWrx

Dionne glass can also be found on the following Facebook auction pages:

  • www.facebook.com/groups/lampworkbeadmarket/
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/lampworkbeadsfs/
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/artisanlampworkbeadsforsale/

Terry Turner's lampwork glass can be found at:

  • https://www.etsy.com/shop/SilverfishDesigns

And Georgia Neumann's ceramic beads can be found at:

  • https://www.etsy.com/shop/AtHomeInTaos

These earrings can be found at

  • https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChrisKaitlynJewelry

To see more earrings inspired by Kaleidoscopes go to Earrings Everyday Blog...http://earrings-everyday.blogspot.com/





The earrings are just lovely

The earrings are just lovely - I love your bead match-up for this pair! And the unique shape of the spikes is pretty interesting.

Thank You

Thank you Anita for your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed them <3

Your earrings

I love the earrings that you made. The spikes are wonderful and you did them justice.

Thank You

Thank You Kathy. I appreciate your compliments <3

Beautiful design!

Beautiful design and gorgeous beads, especially the spikes - so colorful and with great texture!

Thank You

Thank You Rozantia for your compliment <3

These are such cool and

These are such cool and interesting earrings! I especially love that top pair... all that yummy color.

Thank You

Thank you Sarajo for the lovely compliment! <3

I love your bead match-up for

I love your bead match-up for this pair! And the unique shape of the spikes is pretty interesting. Beautiful design hill climb racing and gorgeous beads, especially the spikes.

Wow!! I am so excited to see

Wow!! I am so excited to see the images of these spike earrings shared here. It looks really beautiful to vectorize pictures see all these images from here. Is it costly? It looks like a very unique design and I am looking here for more updates on that. Expecting more details over here.

I have no words to express my

I have no words to express my emotion after seeing this earring and I should say that it is such an amazing one and really love to buy it and thanks a lot for the details information you have provided about the jewelry and also the product that is used to make it which is definitely a unique face that we will get check this out

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