Art Quilts-Textile Pictures
This section mostly features textiles I have painted with a variety of fabric paints or dyed with procion dyes in a low water method. The fabric I paint is usually a white polyester that you find in the wedding/prom fabric section of JoAnns or other fabric stores. After being painted it looks nothing like polyester, which is still amazing to me. I use Seta Color fabric paints as well as some others to paint the polyester. Dharma Trading Post is where I usually get my dyes and paints. The fabrics I dye are linen, pima cotton, wool, and sometimes a 50/50 blend of cotton and polyester. The dye creates an interesting effect on fabrics that are only part natural, like cotton or linen with the polyester. I also "over dye" fabrics either black, white or cream that have an image on them that is partially receptive to the dye. Even the back side of the fabric can be very interesting in a fabric picture. You just never know how things will turn out. It is a real surprise!
One of the pieces is made only with commercial fabric. Some of the pieces have a "border or frame" made out of narrow strips of fabric, which are then crosscut, and are ultimately arranged in a pattern that works for my designer's eye. I usually approach these pieces so that the color(s) or design elements move around the "picture" so your eye travels around the piece, not just setteling and resting in one area.